Miasthenia Miasthenia - My Visions In The Forest

Oh! Unholy Forest, your beauty is like Hell with the Souls crying ...
The Mother Godess Moon embraces us with a nightmare fog ...

The one where the sun is dominated by its half empire in the sky ...

Oh! Eternal Lady of Dominated, you are the only to be permanent
In the highest level of our visions and wisdom ...

The Cold win, bring me the fire and you are the onem that's give
force and protection ...
I can feel your gentle touch in my soul, your fear and your embrace ...
I can see you abd I worship you as if you could touch deep into my eyes ...

Oh! My Lord Wind

When you come you bring the best feeling to a sad and suffering soul ...
Your beauty cuts me like an athame ans my blood goes with you in
Your homage ...
Magic words to my unknown existence ...